Thursday, December 20, 2018

Upcoming Meetings / Events
23 December  Sunday
Fourth Sunday in Advent
Worship Service
10:30 am
"Calm and Bright: Let Us Sleep"

Thought for the Week
"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved;
loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
Victor Hugo
Monday, Dec. 24
7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Worship Service
Family and friends join together at this very special candle light service to celebrate the Light of the World and the birth of our Savior.  Traditional hymns and the re-telling of the Christmas story make this family friendly service a very special occasion in the life of the congregation.
Tuesday, Dec. 25
Merry Christmas!
Monday, Dec. 31
Family Game Night, and Watch Night Service
Family game night and Watch Night Service: Bring games you would like to share with others (board games, card games, etc.) for a 5:00 p.m. potluck and game time. Then at 7:00 p.m. (if we use 7:00 p.m.: which is midnight in London, when John Wesley would have observed his Watch night service), we will join together in a traditional Watch Night service.
John Wesley believed that Methodists, and all Christians should reaffirm their covenant with God annually, so he created a service in which an individual renews his/her covenant with God.
In 1755 Wesley held his first covenant service, and he published this service in a pamphlet in 1780.
The covenant hymn, "Come, Let Us Use the Grace Divine," was written for this service by his brother, Charles Wesley. The service is included in The Book of Worship under the title "An Order of Worship for Such as Would Enter Into or Renew Their Covenant with God."
This covenant service is often used in United Methodism as a Watch Night Service on New Year's Eve, and sometimes on New Year's Day or on the first Sunday in January. 

Coffee Hosts Needed: December 30
Please sign up to host our fellowship time after church
Continuing Prayer Requests 
Taj M., Bill B., Gail M.
Special Outreach
December 23
No-sew blankets
For children who are seriously ill or traumatized, or otherwise in need. Project Linus gets these to children and has patterns and other resources available.
Council On Aging (COA) Food Drive
Now that we have all stuffed ourselves at Thanksgiving dinner, let’s help stuff some others in our community, Our Church Council is sponsoring a canned goods and staple food drive for the Weston COA from December 9 thru December 23. We will have a container in the Narthex for the food.
UMCOR : Hurricane, Wildfire, and Earthquake Relief
Through UMCOR (The United Methodist Commission on Relief), United Methodist church families across the U.S. and the world are connected together and reaching out in compassion to people impacted by disasters including hurricanes in the east, wildfires in the southwest, and earthquakes in the northwest United States:
Here are some powerful testimonies of United Methodist church families making a difference:
- October, Hurricane Michael:
- November, California Wildfires:
- December, Alaska Earthquakes:
To contribute online and support ongoing relief efforts:
  Click on "United States Disaster Response Advance #901670" at:

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