Thursday, December 13, 2018

16 December Sunday 
Third Sunday in Advent 

Worship Service 

10:30 am 
"Calm and Bright: Redeeming Grace" 

Christmas Cantata 
Come Now to Bethlehem 

Christmas Luncheon 
Please stay and enjoy a wonderful time of holiday fellowship together! 

3:00 p.m. Healing Service

Thought for the Week 
'Twas the beginning of Advent and all through the Church 

Our hope was all dying-- we'd given up on the search. 
It wasn't so much that Christ wasn't invited, 
But after 2,000 plus years we were no longer excited. 

A baby, it seems, once had been born 
In the mid-east somewhere that first holy-day morn. 
But what does that mean for folks like us, 
Who've lost ourselves in the hoopla and fuss? 

Perhaps we begin by letting go 
Of our limits on hope, and of the stuff that we know. 
Let go of the shopping, of the chaos and fuss, 
Let go of the searching, let Christmas find us. 

We open our hearts, our hands and our eyes, 
To see the king coming in our own neighbors' cries. 
We can't make him come with parties and trees, 
But only by getting down on our knees. 

Can we block out commercials, the hype and the malls? 
Can we find solitude in our holy halls? 
Can we keep alert, keep hope, stay awake? 
Can we receive the child for ours and God's sake? 

He'll lead us to challenge the way that things are. 
He'll lead us to follow a single bright star. 
From on high with the caroling host as he sees us, 
He yearns to read on our lips: Come Lord Jesus!

Advent Bible Study 

Tuesday December 18 @ 10:30 am & 6:30 PM 

All are welcome. 

Join in the Advent Bible Study, Adam Hamilton’s The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem
Journeying from Nazareth to Bethlehem, Adam Hamilton uses historical information, archaeological data, and a personal look at some of the stories surrounding the birth of Jesus.

Coffee Hosts Needed: December 30 
Please sign up to host our fellowship time after church 

Continuing Prayer Requests 
Taj M., Bill B., Gail M. 

Blankets for the Homeless in Waltham
At our last Monday serving night, I was approached by one of the Bristol Lodge Soup Kitchen workers helping with the 5 PM dinner we provided. She said there are several who sleep outside who need a blanket.

Please bring clean, new or lightly used blankets to church to be distributed to those in need.
Thank you, Debbi Miller


Christmas Cantata 
Come Now to Bethlehem 
December 16 

WUMC invites you for a special service on December 16th with Christmas lessons and carols, Come Now to Bethlehem by well-known American composer and choral director, Dale Wood, arranged by Douglas E. Wagner. The choral settings of eight traditional carols are adapted from Dale Wood's organ pieces.

Music is one of many offerings WUMC would like to share with its friends and community. The choir is made up of both accomplished professional musicians and gifted volunteer singers, providing a wide range of traditional, classical repertoire and contemporary praise and gospel music.

Christmas Luncheon 

December 16 

All are invited to celebrate the season - we will be providing ham and assorted casseroles. If friends would like to bring a side dish or dessert to share it would be appreciated. We look forward to sharing this time of fellowship with everyone in our church family.

Wednesday, Dec. 19
11:45 ROMEO 
7:00 p.m. Church Council 

Thursday, Dec. 20 
6:30 p.m. Outreach Committee 

Sunday, Dec. 23 
10:30 a.m. worship, 4th Sunday of Advent

Monday, Dec. 24 
7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Worship Service 

Tuesday, Dec. 25 
Merry Christmas! 

Monday, Dec. 31 
Family Game Night, and Watch Night Service

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