“To get a person to understand our point of view,
we must first
understand his.”
Sunday Scripture: Matthew 25: 31-46
Sermon: “What Ultimately Matters.”
Announcements and Upcoming Events!
Farewell Service & Reception - Sunday, June 4. Rev. Melius is retiring and this will be his
last service at Weston United Methodist Church. Please join us for this very special
event. Please RSVP by Sunday May 28 if
you plan to attend the luncheon so we can provide an accurate count to the
caterer. The Church email address is westonunitedmethodist@gmail.com
Rev. Melius has served WUMC for the past 20 years, and in the ministry
for 46 years! Please join us as we celebrate with Rev. Melius and his
family on his well-earned retirement.